Wednesday, May 17, 2006

berkeley, i missed you

An overdue recap of an overdue trip:

  • The drive up with roach. We stopped for food and the night was unusually humid. We went to a Jack-in-the-Box that was SO swarmed with flying insects that we resorted to the drive-thru (and also because of the fact that the line inside was ridiculously long). Seeing some of these bugs up close as they were crawling over the windshield was friggin gross. Roach improved the situation by keeping his windows down and letting these hellish creatures inside.. roach and bugs.. should have known..
  • Arriving in berkeley right before Top Dog closed. Took one bite of my bratwurst and threw it away. When the heck did they start using sesame-seed buns?!
  • La burrita restoring my confidence five minutes later
  • Randomly going to the library and running into ivy, danny park, david lim. Broke my heart to see everyone studying.
  • Staying over at brian hwang's and richard huh's joint. Thanks for boarding us guys! But you sheks better stop it with the shek-like behavior.
  • Seeing my small group boys: danny park, jacob, david kim. How big you guys have grown.
  • Waltzing to the Bearcade where I find an out-of-place gelato shop in its stead. Where did all the arcade games go?!? They no longer exist.
  • Taking an unnecessary psych 160 final with roach. Being the first one to finish a final was something I've always wanted to do (it was actually on my things-to-do-before-I-leave-college list from two years ago) because I wanted to stimulate fear in everyone else. As I finished the test twenty minutes later, I realized that I didnt want three hundred pairs of eyes staring at me as I walked up to turn in my test. So as a GSI walked up the nearest aisle, I seized the opportunity by thrusting my test to her and leaving roach behind.
  • Walking around the b-e-a-u-tiful campus.
  • Meeting up with andy, rob, kwan and frank for some amazing dinner at a texas steakhouse. We had the best waitress ever. Great food, great conversation, great laughs.
  • Bowling at Albany Bowl with the same group plus dennis. Dennis bowling the best game of his life. Socal (me, andy, dennis) vs. norcal (rob, kwan, frank). Norcal loses. Licks bowling balls for punishment. You can get hepatitis by doing things like that.
  • Seeing some of brian's shekki videos. Brian, the shekki things you did. Take those off YouTube.
  • Dropping by 2390 Parker St. Too many memories.


Andy Chon said...

dang, we rocked them

Anonymous said...

mr. handsome!

d.chon said...

i love that last picture. it's really cute. haha.. look at roach. hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

i think i paid like $3 to go up that clock tower.

Anonymous said...

mr. chungnator, your sexy pex is stumbling me and the rest of society.. =)

Anonymous said...

you have too much fun. stop it.