Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I like going to the library. Especially during finals season when it's open 24 hours a day. You get to see your friends and also people who you haven't seen in a while, always asking the usual "when's your finals?" or "when are you going home for winter break?" You mingle with more people, walk around to see if there's anyone else you know. Then you finally sit down at the seat that was graciously saved for you, take out all your books, only to find yourself subconsciously staring off into space or turning to someone to talk to again. Well, that's how it goes for me 90% of the time. It's 99.99% of the time for paul. But amidst of all the finals and papers, all the complaints and talks of despair you vent out to your fellow classmates likewise as they vent to you, makes you realize that you are not alone.

But I definitely will be in approximately three hours. All alone with my ugly fat exam. I am so dead guys. But all your words of encouragement and prayers are heartily appreciated. So thus, I will try my best. See ya on the flip side...

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