Thursday, January 30, 2003

Attended the Diversity Career Fair today. What a stark difference in attitude I had today compared to last year's career fair. Last year, I perceived career fairs as only enticing opportunities to get free pens, folders, bouncing balls and frisbees.. where I could walk around to different company booths and swipe as much candy as I could. Never mind the job/internship opportunities that were being offered, because that was boring and the least of my worries.

No more of that nonsense this year.. I know that finding an internship for this summer is my crucial stepping stone to finding a semi-permanent corporate job as soon as I graduate next year (hopefully). Sigh, it was helpful talking to a lot of the different corporate representatives today though. Although the atmosphere was a little intimidating, I did get a better sense of what I want and not want to do in my future.

Yea, I did get some cool free stuff too. Lot of pens again, an electronic bouncing ball (which kyu took from me later), some pain relievers, and a packet of mints I got from the Merrill Lynch table. I've been eating the mints like candy for the past couple hours, and I don't feel too good right now. Maybe the pain relievers will help.

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