Monday, February 27, 2006

Officially joined the mid-20's club. Another year of growth, another year to grow.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

A song not about Jesus. I still like it a whole lot.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

No matter what situation you're in, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thanks Billy for treating us at ESPN Zone. We had an entertaining night watching 5'9 Nate Robinson dunk over Spudd Webb, playing the friggin horse game that almost made us throw up, then watching Disneyland fireworks from afar. Look at Paul, Butch and Billy loving it.

I'm obsessed about rain. Most people I know hate it, God knows for what reason. I wrote a pretty homo list in an entry three years ago (has it been that long?), but another thing I would add would be the clouds that come afterwards. Days like today definitely pays off to have a sunroof.

so in addendum...
11) that it cleans your car
12) it's a natural soothing agent
13) it's the perfect song to sleep to
14) the clouds that come afterwards

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Somethin about spending two hours sitting in front of a jazz band being completely mesmerized (and the fully-expensed dinner at Morton's steakhouse helped too) that made this Valentine's Day all worthwhile.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Long week of training ahead. The upside is that I get to live in a magical hotel where I could just throw my towels and bedsheets all over the floor, then come back later and find everything to be exactly how it was before. I sound like a broken record because I said the exact same thing last month. I just can't get over it.

I can't believe that my next company-recognized holiday is in May. I could sure use some President's Days or George Washington Birthdays right about now.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nights are the toughest.

Monday, February 06, 2006

everybody Roomba!

Everybody Roomba!

Yes, I joined the Roomba revolution. Look at it go! Wait, stop eating my guitar cables.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Helter Skelter Weekend

Helter skelter weekend. Five guys squished in Billy's tiny car. Billy and his funny reactions when playing the trivia game at D&B. Winning 1680 tickets but leaving only with four Nerds candy necklaces. Andy frustrated eating his tiny ice cream. Experimenting with mom by pouring leftover beer and juice into the soil to make it richer. Being blown away by Flight of the Conchords. Rewinding with Paul. Napping through the Super Bowl. Looking to the horizon.