Me, Kwan, Billy and Roach played cards again last night, but I wish we hadn't. Roach and Kwan lost the first game and struggled to finish their uncooked rice.
Let's see.. ball drops, balsamic vinegar, tapatio, garlic, uncooked rice.. let's add "eating a page from a magazine" to that list of punishments dealt so far. Someone thought of that creative punishment, and thus we proceeded to begin another game. Unsurprisingly, I lost first. The only way to down the whole thing was by tearing it in strips and eating it piece by piece. The stomach can't fully digest the compounds in the paper so guess what that means.
The other three battled it out for a while until Billy finally lost. He got so frustrated that he crumbled up the magazine page into a small ball, stuffed it in his mouth and immediately started to chew. When he realized that it was impossible to make the page soft enough to swallow, he got more frustrated and threw the saliva-ridden, gray blob at Kwan which missed and fell behind the futon. There was a lot of dust behind that futon.
He decidedly said, "I have to make this taste better," so he got chocolate syrup out of the fridge, some water, and mixed those with the gray blob that once used to be part of Rolling Stone magazine in a cup. That did the trick of making the paper more chewable/digestable. I guess it still tasted nasty, so Billy got some milk and mixed it into the death soup. He finished.
In terms of respectability, the seniors reached a new low.
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