Tuesday, March 09, 2004

weekend highlights and lowlights - Part 2

Sunday lowlights:
*Jane Kim and a couple other people have been hounding me to cut my hair. I haven't cut it since December due to an extreme case of laziness, but now I'm at a point where I'm curious as to how long it'll grow. I can curl it behind my ears! So fascinating!
*Telebears lost. =(

Sunday highlights:
*Fog on the way to church.
*Oh the wonderful cross, bids me to come and die.
*Playing with Baby.
***Studying for our EPS midterm with Kwan, Carolina, and Jahndee.

Jahndee is a genius when it comes to academics. She rocked the SAT and got Kwan an A after editing his paper. But this is also the same Jahndee who didn't know that the Pacific Ocean touched both California and Asia. While we took a break from studying, we had some fun by quizzing her on random facts.

quiz #1:
Me: So Jahndee, how many continents are there in the world?
Grass: (perplexed look) Um.. North America. South America.. Antarctica.. Africa.. that white blob at the top of the world, does that count?
Kwan: Uhhh, that's the North Pole!
Grass: OH.. um let's see.. Europe? and... RUSSIA?? Does Russia count? Okay, Russia? (sad face)
Us: HUH?!

quiz #2:
Us: How many stripes are there on the U.S. flag?
Grass: Hold on.. there's fifty stars right? Or is it fifty-two..? Okay, so there are fifty stars.. so that means there are... twenty stripes? Wait.. fifty? A HUNDRED??
Us: HUH?!

Thanks for the laughs Jahndee Ghandee. They should make day calendars composed of the weird things you say everyday.

as for the midterm, i think i'm too smart for EPS... i rocked on the midterm and i have to buy them all steaks now.

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