Saturday, December 14, 2002

Aside from snow, rain has got to be the best weather all-around. I mean, I love those sun-shiney days. Berkeley weather during the spring and fall is probably the best weather in california. But it's hard to compete with a crisp, windy, pouring rainy day as this one. (lightning and thunder = a big plus.)

Reasons why rain is awesome:

1) Rain is awesome.
2) Sitting at home and listening to the raindrops hitting your windows is a great feeling.
3) Sitting in your car and listening to the raindrops hitting your car windows is a great feeling.
4) You get to wear your snowboarding jackets for a reason other than for going snowboaring.
5) You can wear pajamas pants underneath your jeans. (dont deny, I know some of you do that)
6) It's okay if you have a bad hair day; just stand in the rain for a couple seconds and your hair will look glossy and clean.
7) Watching the tidal pools of water gushing into the gutters is a breathtaking sight.
8) Walking in the rain and listening to the raindrops hitting your umbrella is a great feeling.
9) Even if you are without an umbrella, it's even better. Walking in the rain and feeling the raindrops hitting your face is the best remedy for a congested spirit.
10) Driving through those deep trenches of water in the street makes you feel powerful.

List is open to further additions! =)

Rain, rain, come today, don't go away to another day